Genre: Thriller
Format: Feature Film
In 'Hidden', Jose, a former Mexican police officer burdened by a dark past, finds himself in the unforgiving landscape of America's industrial farms. After meeting a journalist, Jose becomes entangled in a harrowing investigation of the farm he works at, pitting his desire for redemption against his family's safety — offering an unfiltered look into the hidden truths of animal agriculture and migrant labor.
"Imagine 'Sicario' meets 'Spotlight,' but set against the gritty backdrop of an undocumented immigrant’s life in rural Texas.
'Hidden' is a gritty drama about José, a former Juarez cop whose haunted past drives him from Mexico's violence to Texas's deceptive calm.
José's character arc is the heart of this story – a man torn between his desire for both safety and purpose. As he settles into his new life, José finds himself working at a Factory Farm that echoes the violence he fled.
The story escalates when José meets Sarah, an investigative journalist and Eric, an Activist, each with their own motivations. Their uneasy alliance, laden with mutual distrust, propels José into a world of industrial espionage.
As they unravel practices of the agriculture industry in the region, Jose is forced to confront a gut-wrenching decision – does he help expose an attempt to recapture his sense of purpose by exposing exploitation even if it means shattering the fragile new life he has built for his family?
'Hidden' is not just a thriller; it’s a character study of a man walking the tightrope between redemption and ruin and shows the often unseen battles waged by those living on the fringes of society.