Genre: Psychological Thriller
Format: Feature Film
In 'Spa', a young, thrill-seeking DJ is enticed to a luxurious retreat in Iceland, only to find herself trapped in a psychological experiment that blurs the line between self-discovery and manipulation, forcing her to fight for her sanity and survival within the world’s most exclusive retreat. .
In 'Spa,' a psychological thriller with a twist of madness, Mia, a vibrant 24-year-old DJ, finds her life taking a surreal turn from the sun-soaked beaches of Croatia to the otherworldly landscapes of Iceland.
Merging the intrigue of 'Ex Machina' with the bizarre, satirical edge of 'Saltburn,' this film plunges into a world where nothing is as it seems. Lured by an enigmatic couple with promises of fame and self-discovery, Mia arrives at a luxurious Icelandic retreat, expecting an exclusive gateway to the world's elite.
However, the retreat quickly reveals itself as a façade for a twisted psychological experiment designed to assess newcomers for their potential inclusion or ruthless exclusion (aka death). Mia's journey of self-discovery turns into a surreal game of survival, challenging her sanity as she navigates through a series of psychological trials that blur the lines between reality and manipulation.
The film culminates in a provocative exploration of the extremes of human desire, the perilous allure of belonging, and the steep price of self-discovery. The climax leaves us questioning: Is Mia's experience at the spa a triumph of spirit, a fall into lunacy, or a embrace of the person she was meant to be?”